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You may have heard this news by now, Connie Lawson has decided to retire as Indiana’s Secretary of State. The Indiana Republican Party wants to thank her for her career of service to our state.  


Connie Lawson will retire as one of the most admired and respected Secretary of State in Indiana history. For nearly a decade, Hoosiers have trusted her judgement and leadership. During her term Indiana has become a national role model in running safe and secure elections. Faced with unprecedented challenges in 2020, Secretary Lawson successfully navigated the pandemic to ensure Hoosiers could safely exercise their right to vote and remain confident in the outcome. 

Connie Lawson will be missed in the Statehouse and leaves big shoes to fill - but I know her contributions to our state will not end with her upcoming retirement.

In order to thank her for her dedication to our state, I’m going to send her a list of everyone who signs her Thank You card. Will you please join me in giving her your best well-wishes?

Kyle Hupfer, IN GOP Chairman

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