
We now find ourselves at the halfway point of the first quarter of 2021, so I want to take a moment to explain what we’re working towards in the Senate, and why I need your support.

Last weekend, we completed the second impeachment trial of Donald Trump, and although a majority of my GOP colleagues chose to put their party over our country by voting to acquit him, it ended up being the most bipartisan vote to convict a president in U.S. history with 57 out of 100 senators voting to hold Trump accountable. That’s monumental.

For the 43 senators who voted to let Trump off the hook, history will not look kindly upon them.

Over the past few weeks, we weren’t just diligently working to defend our democracy by holding this necessary impeachment trial. I’ve been hard at work with my Senate colleagues to confirm President Biden’s nominees, prepare to pass the American Rescue Plan to get desperately-needed pandemic relief into the hands of workers and Americans everywhere, and introduce progressive legislation like baby bonds to address the longstanding intergenerational poverty and racial inequity in our country.

But while we work to make all of this progress, news headlines are already popping up indicating that Republicans are doing everything they can to prepare and take the Senate majority back from Democrats in 2022. With a fragile 50-50 split, we simply can’t afford to lose a single seat.

So, while I’m working to pass bills to address this pandemic, empower the Biden Administration, and make progressive change to lift our communities up, I need your help when it comes to fundraising. The more grassroots donations we bring in from emails like this one, the less time I have to spend fundraising over the phone. And the more we prepare now, the more ready we’ll be when the 2022 elections are here.

With this first quarter already halfway over and our end-of-month fundraising deadline coming up in less than two weeks, can I count on you to pitch in $10 or whatever you can afford today to keep fueling our movement? Every dollar matters and is so appreciated.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

This team has come through time and again, and I deeply appreciate it. Thanks for all you do.

— Cory