Take the three quick & simple activism steps below to show Biden Harris what you think of their immigration agenda!

While the vast majority of Americans will find the Biden Harris administration's open-borders and release of tens of thousands of illegal aliens into the USA untested for CV appalling, you are among the few who will organize and take action early!

It is time for you to emphatically, yet professionally and politically, express your feelings about the immigration actions of Joe Biden (View Details HERE).

Let's all focus our messages and efforts to make this clear to Biden Harris.

"I'm calling/writing to notify the Biden Harris administration that Executive Orders releasing tens of thousands of illegals into America without testing for the pandemic virus and pushing Amnesty legislation for 11 million illegals is further dividing America and Americans while increasing the instability of our nation. Biden lied when he said he would represent those who did not vote for him, otherwise, he would not be pushing Amnesty for illegals that well over half of America's legal citizens fervently oppose. Biden and Harris should stop pushing immigration agendas that harm American citizens and further destabilize our nation in the middle of multiple crises."

Step 1: Convey your sentiments to others by sharing this email (after removing the unsubscribe at the bottom) and on Social Media platforms sharing this meme.

Contact Biden & Harris then share this call to action by email and on (FACEBOOK HERE) .. (TWITTER HERE) .. (GAB HERE) .. (ALIPAC HERE) .. (LINKED HERE) .. (PARLER HERE) .. (MINDS HERE) .. (SLUG HERE) .. (BRIGHTEON HERE) .. (MEWE HERE) .. (CLOUTHUB HERE)

Step 2: Call the White House to convey your personalized version of this message to 202-456-1111 / 202-456-1414 then send written copies to...


The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20500

Step 3: Place your own version of this message visibly on Joe Biden's social media accounts where many other Americans will see it along with his staff at...



Please take these three steps and rally others to do the same. Let's all speak out with one voice!

William Gheen and The ALIPAC Team

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Place your opinions on our Website
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Americans for Legal Immigration PAC
PO Box 30966
Raleigh, NC 27622

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Thank you for standing with ALIPAC against illegal immigration and illegal immigrants that are costing Americans our jobs, taxpayer resources, communities, elections, and very lives!

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