Dear John,

We got a desperate call for help. It was April of 2020, and we were in strict confinement due to COVID-19. No one was allowed to leave their village. That’s when a donkey owner named Hassan reached out urgently.

When we found out just how sick Hassan’s donkey really was, we were shocked. Due to an advanced case of colic, Aamil couldn’t even stand. He was near death. Of course we said, “Bring Aamil to us immediately for treatment!” Caring friends like you have been helping us save animals like Aamil for the past 93 years.

However, due to the lockdown — Hassan could not get to us. And we could not get to him. Finally, after being turned back twice by authorities, Hassan set out on a desperate journey to bring Aamil to the Fondouk and save his life.

We rushed to meet him at a police post on the outskirts of Fez, and in a very short time, Aamil was loaded onto a Fondouk cart, and headed for complete and compassionate care. I’m thrilled to tell you, Aamil was back on his feet within a week! He ended up staying with us four weeks due to travel restrictions, and when a very happy Hassan came to collect Aamil — it was just in time to harvest his corn.

Aamil is just one of thousands of animals we treat every year. Please help us continue this work — even as the pandemic rages on. Please make a gift now, because saving a life like Aamil’s means EVERYTHING to animal lovers like you and me!

With my deepest thanks,

Gigi Kay Sig

Dr. Gigi Kay


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