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2021 Just Economy Conference - first wave of tickets gone!

Dear NCRC members and allies,

The excitement is palpable; the first wave of tickets for the 2021 Just Economy Conference have sold out! Prices for our second wave of tickets are now live. 

Register now to join us online for this national event connecting us to our communities and our commitment to a just economy. Session topics will include housing, banking, healthcare, education, nutrition, elections, privacy, the digital divide, the racial and gender wealth divides, and you will hear from national leaders on work to strengthen one of the foundations of achieving a just economy: the Community Reinvestment Act. 

Join us online May 3-4, for two jam-packed days of keynotes and networking, plus:
  • Pre Conference: Advocacy Week, April 26-30 (for NCRC members only)
  • Post Conference: Just Economy Sessions, May 5-14
We want to see you there! Register now before prices increase again. 
Register now
If you’re already registered, make sure to share with your friends and colleagues so they may take advantage of the current prices too!
We can’t wait to “see” you,
The deadline to submit comments on the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) is today. If you would like to comment, NCRC's sample comment letters are on its #TreasureCRA page.
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