Please check this out --
It’s the end-of-the-month so you know what that means, friend: we’re checking in on our goals and making our plans for the rest of this year.


Will you make a contribution of $10 or more today to help us meet our $50,000 goal before September is over?


We should be so proud of the work our team is doing this month and every month, friend.

Donald Trump and his Deportation Force have been busy all year long inventing new ways to terrorize and torment our communities, friends, families, and neighbors.

We have held them accountable every step of the way. We know that as the largest network of youth-led immigrant activists, it’s up to us to make it clear to Trump and his cronies: we are unafraid, we are here to stay, and we’re ready to fight back

Now we’re heading into the end-of-the-year and we have big plans. But without hitting our goals it just won’t be possible to accomplish everything we need to do.

Help us raise $50,000 before the end of September and we’ll immediately put every dollar we raise to work -- holding Trump and his racist administration accountable for their crimes against our communities. Chip in $10 or more today if you’re able to help us meet our goal.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

We know this team loves a good challenge, but more than that, we love to show up for our people. Let’s do it again by crushing this goal before the end of September!

Thanks for all you do,

Nestor at United We Dream Action

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