In Wisconsin, wolves could be hunted this winter for the first time since 2014.
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Gray wolf

Hi John,

Wolves in Wisconsin were just given a death sentence.

A judge has ordered that a wolf hunt must take place there this winter — just as wolves are beginning their breeding season.

This is what happens when wolves lose Endangered Species Act protection.

We're in court to get that protection restored — and we'll be fighting at the state level to stop these hunts. You can help with a gift to the Wolf Defense Fund.

The Center spoke out against plans for a winter wolf hunt in Wisconsin, and that hunt was initially rejected by a single vote.

But now a judge has ruled a hunt must go forward immediately.

Even the state's Department of Natural Resources opposes the idea.

We'll be fighting this cruel decision every step of the way.

Trump stripped protection from gray wolves across the lower 48 last fall. Then the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service recently doubled down on his decision — despite an executive order given by President Biden, in his first week in office, for a thorough review based on science.

It's simple: When states manage wolves, more wolves die...and more wolf families are shattered.

So now we're fighting in Wisconsin, which hasn't had a wolf hunt for seven years.

And we'll be in any other state that gives in to knee-jerk hatred of wolves and allows these loyal, social creatures to be gunned down or trapped.

Scientists agree that wolves are not yet fully recovered and still need the lifesaving power of the Endangered Species Act.

We can't let anti-wildlife forces doom this keystone species to being shot, trapped or poisoned, state by state, pack by pack.

We need you with us to save wolves from persecution.

Please give to the Wolf Defense Fund today.

For the wild,

Kierán Suckling

Kierán Suckling
Executive Director
Center for Biological Diversity


P.S. Monthly supporters who give steady gifts of $10 or $20 sustain the Center's fight for wolves. Do your part by starting a monthly donation.

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Photo of gray wolf from Shutterstock
Center for Biological Diversity
P.O. Box 710
Tucson, AZ 85702
United States