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The majority of the Swamp’s Congress voted to impeach Trump. But the majority of Americans, if given the opportunity, would vote to instead impeach Congress, likely 75%.

Americans know that Congress’ actions, not Trump’s words, caused the attack on the Capitol. Unfortunately for Americans, the Swamp, including Congress and Big Tech, can silence Trump, but right now Trump cannot silence the Swamp.

Trump was the voice of frustrated and concerned Americans. The Swamp first defeated Trump’s candidacy with mail-in ballots from unknown persons, then blamed him for a riot, and now they are attempting to prevent his ever being the voice of Americans again.

The fact is that Big Tech and the Swamp silenced America’s voice (Trump), and thereby took away Americans’ ability to assemble so that the Swamp could continue their destruction of America.

Many Americans may soon have to salute Congress and hide their American flags rather than their Confederate ones. Perhaps we will soon be building a Lenin Memorial on the site of the Lincoln Memorial, or a Marx Monument at the site of the Washington Monument.

Many Americans know that it may soon be appropriate to take down the Statue of Liberty if the Swamp Congress continues to drain America and drown our freedoms. Instead, let’s hope America goes back to the same principles that made America great to begin with—The Constitution.


The Constitution Party

Click on this link to listen first hand to Don and what he has to say about Republicans, Democrats, and the #ThirdWay of the Constitution Party.  

Don Blankenship was the 2020 Presidential Nominee for the Constitution Party and is now a member of the Constitution Party Executive Committee. 

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