Now let’s mobilize to defeat it.


On Valentine’s Day, Biden and Kamala renewed their love for destroying freedom by ordering Congress to pass the most radical anti-gun legislation in history:

  1. Background checks on ALL gun sales
  2. “Assault weapons” and high-capacity magazine bans
  3. Hold gun manufacturers liable for violence committed with firearms

But Gun Owners of America is marshalling its resources to stop this anti-gun agenda.

Please make an urgent contribution to our 2A Protection Fund to help Gun Owners of America DEFEAT this assault on the Second Amendment.







The White House also made clear that they were issuing this call for gun control on the anniversary of the tragic Parkland shooting.

Once again, anti-gunners are shamelessly exploiting a tragedy to advance their political agenda that will do absolutely NOTHING to curb senseless gun violence.

Instead, by creating more and more obstacles for decent and honest citizens to acquire firearms, anti-gunners are ensuring that ONLY evil-doers will get their hands on guns.

Unless we stop this gun control bill, Biden and Kamala could get away with DESTROYING the Second Amendment.

Please make an urgent contribution to our 2A Protection Fund to help Gun Owners of America DEFEAT this assault on the Second Amendment.

In Liberty,

Erich Pratt
Senior Vice President
Gun Owners of America

Contributions to Gun Owners of America are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

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