Why does the scientific establishment fight with such energy to keep intelligent design outside the classroom?

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February 15, 2021
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More Dispatches from the Science/Religion Classroom

The more I engage with students on issues at the intersection between science and religion, the more it becomes clear to me why the scientific establishment expends so much energy trying to keep the “Divine Foot” (to use Richard Lewontin’s term) out of the classroom.

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Dallas Conference on Science & Faith: In Person or Livestream

Despite the unique challenges brought on by COVID-19, we believe it is as important as ever to explore today’s most pressing questions relating to science and faith. For this reason, we are excited to announce the 3rd annual Dallas Conference on Science & Faith, and invite you to join us either in person or online via livestream.

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Martin Luther King’s Powerful Critique of Scientific Racism, Scientific Materialism

Dr. King is well-known for his heroic leadership in the Civil Rights Movement. What is lesser known is that he was a fierce opponent of scientific materialism. In a collection of his sermons entitled Strength to Love, we find searing words against the racist abuses perpetrated by science.

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Two Meanings of “Creation”

Far from being a single-dimensional concept, the word “creation” is multi-layered and complex, revealing the depth of creation’s Designer. Jesuit priest Father Robert Spitzer argues that there are two definitions of the one word “creation,” but that they complement rather than contradict one other.

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For Darwin and Lincoln’s Birthday, Pre-Order Return of the God Hypothesis

Both Lincoln and Darwin were born on February 12, 1809. One freed the American slaves, while the other enslaved generations to materialism. Stephen Meyer’s newest book, The Return of the God Hypothesis, argues that materialism must retreat and make way for theism.

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Calendar  Upcoming Events

Dallas Conference on Science & Faith 2021
February 20, 2021
Denton, TX and Online
Seminar on Intelligent Design in the Natural Sciences
June - July 2021
Dallas, TX and Online
C.S. Lewis Fellows Program on Science & Society
June - July 2021
Dallas, TX and Online
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