This President’s Day we celebrate something many of us used to take for granted — the peaceful transfer of power.

After all we have been through you are likely breathing a deep sigh of relief this President’s Day that we have someone like Joe Biden in the White House — someone with compassion and empathy who is committed to working for the American people.

This outcome was only possible because of every single person who got involved over the last four years and stood up for what is right — from the first Women’s March to election day.

So, in honor of Joe Biden’s first President’s Day, please join us in pledging to keep fighting for change. We need to pass Biden’s $1.9 trillion stimulus package and then work for big, structural reform. Add your name if you agree >>

Just last week, the Biden-Harris Administration announced they have secured an additional 200 million doses of vaccine to be deployed by the end of the summer.

The end of the pandemic is finally a goal that we can imagine. We are not there, but we know our government is working around the clock — with science as a partner — to get us there.

Thank you for everything you have done to get us to this special President’s Day.

Team Van Hollen