Simcoe North PPC Association

Friend --

The Simcoe North PPC Association welcomes our newest and most enthusiastic new volunteer, Mr.?SimcoeSquatch!

Mr Simcoesquatch is very concerned with personal freedom and privacy.? He wants to be left alone to lead his peaceful solitary life with minimum government interference.? ?

So he comes out of the woods once every four years to let people know what he cares about.?? He sneaked into the PPC campaign office and bought a PPC membership.?? Our campaign manager made an exception and accepted rabbit pelts and dandelions as payment.

Mr. SimcoeSquatch supports the PPC and wants Stephen Makk to be the MP for Simcoe North.? ?He left a letter by our door, but the berry juice on birch bark got smudged in the rain. However, I think I get the drift.? ?

Mr. SimcoeSquatch wants to make sure we preserve our forests, wetlands, rivers and lakes.? That's where he lives, eats and keeps his stuff!.? ?He told me his family are long-term Simcoe residents who have been here since North America separated from Africa.? ?He has been concerned about immigration ever since the first wave reached here about 14,000 years ago from Siberia.? ?He says the first wave was pretty OK, as long as they did not confuse him with a bear, but each wave after that has been worse and worse, especially where caring about the environment is concerned.

Mr. SimcoeSquatch has a lot of energy and got to work right away with door-knocking.? ? After a few complaints, I had to intervene and provide some friendly advice, that should be useful for all volunteers.? ?First of all, you won't convince very many voters by knocking on their door in the middle of the night (Mr. SimcoeSquatch is mostly nocturnal).? ?Furthermore, it is best to knock on the FRONT door, to avoid scaring people and their pets.? I reminded Mr. Simcoesquatch the that a lot of PPC supporters are firearms owners.

Mr. SimcoeSquatch likes the colour purple (because purple things taste good) and wonders why there are not more purple signs out there.? I told him it is a question of money.? ? ?He asked.? "What is 'money'?"? ?I said it was a weird human problem he should not be concerned over.? ? Humans can help out by clicking here:

Let's all welcome Mr. SimcoeSquatch to the team!? We are so happy to have one of those elusive "left-libertarians" join us.? ?He will be appearing randomly throughout the riding between now and the election.? After that, it is back to the woods....


Stephen Makk, PPC Candidate, Simcoe North.

Simcoe North PPC Association

Simcoe North PPC Association ? PO Box 543, Victoria Harbour, ON L0K2A0, Canada
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