Here's why this first FEC deadline is so important--this first report will set the tone for our entire campaign.
Hickenlooper for Colorado |


The very first FEC filing deadline for our campaign is just two days away, and we have a lot of ground to cover if we’re going to meet our $125,000 goal.

I’m reaching out because I want your support documented on our first FEC report to prove what a force we are in this race—can you make your first donation right now?

Here’s why this first FEC deadline is so important—this first report will set the tone for our entire campaign.

Everyone with a stake in this race will be comparing our numbers to Cory Gardner’s to gauge how strong we are out of the gate—and we all know he has a big head start.

With help from corporate PACs and Mitch McConnell’s network of special interest allies like the NRA, Gardner has already squirreled away nearly $5 million dollars. That’s a lot of money, and Gardner has cast a lot of votes in Washington that put special interests like the NRA ahead of Colorado families. He’s been nothing more than a rubber stamp for their agenda.

It’s one reason I’m not accepting a penny of corporate PAC money. This campaign is powered by grassroots supporters like you.

This first FEC report is our chance to prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that we can compete fearlessly with Gardner’s special interests and corporate PACs.

Let’s send a message: Colorado can’t be bought—our future belongs to us.

Please consider chipping in whatever you can to help us reach our $125,000 goal before Monday’s deadline.

If you've saved your information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through right away.







Thank you,








Paid for by Hickenlooper for Colorado

P.O. Box 18886, Denver, CO 80218

Contributions or gifts to Hickenlooper for Colorado are not tax deductible.

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