Suffering around the world is on the rise. Experts predict that a record number of people will require humanitarian assistance this year. And we anticipate children and families in the toughest places will feel the aftermath of 2020 well into the next generation. I know you care about the suffering people around the world face. So what if you could help them now — and for years to come? When you make a gift to the Maximum Impact Endowment Fund at Unto®, you ensure the kindness of Jesus and His hope will continue to be shared in the toughest places. Your gift of any size will provide consistent, sustainable funding that allows us to meet the most urgent needs from the field and continue serving people through our three program areas: Food and Agriculture, Clean Water, and Critical Aid. Making gifts to endowment fund is easier than you might think — and they can provide you with significant tax benefits too! If you are interested in learning more, I would be happy to answer any questions you may have and provide you with additional information on the advantages of gifts to endowment funds. Thank you for partnering with us as we relieve suffering, restore dignity, and reveal His hope now and for generations. Learn more about the Maximum Impact Endowment Fund. With a Grateful Heart, Tripp Jackson | (972) 234-0800 Update Preferences | Unsubscribe For information on donor policies, please visit
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