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Prime Minister Boris Johnson has described forced marriages as a "despicable practice" after a communal group warned that some arranged marriages in Jewish communities are tantamount to "coercion".
An investigation found that Khalsa Television Limited aired a music video on three separate occasions which indirectly encouraged Sikhs living in the UK to commit violence against people opposed to the Khalistan Liberation Front.
Allegations of hate speech made against 120,000 people have been logged by police, prompting criticism that they have diverted attention from forces tackling other priorities, such as violent crime.
Both City Hall and central government trade bodies have been accused of trying to lure a Beijing-backed AI tech firm linked to China's crackdown on Uighur Muslims.
A teacher who faced being struck off after posting a video in which he condemned Scottish Conservatives leader Ruth Davidson's "fatherless" pregnancy has been cleared to carry on teaching by the General Teaching Council for Scotland.
Escalating its defiance of Los Angeles County public health orders, an evangelical megachurch in Sun Valley is gearing up to host an indoor conference expected to draw thousands of men from across the country in what officials fear could become a potential superspreader event.
Medical teams working to immunize Brazil's remote indigenous villages against the coronavirus have encountered fierce resistance in some communities where evangelical missionaries are stoking fears of the vaccine, say tribal leaders and advocates.
India's Supreme Court has hailed interfaith and intercaste marriages as potentially "the way forward" for society in statements that come at a time when such relationships are under legal assault in several states.
Indonesia has banned schools across the country from forcing girls to wear the hijab, after the parents of a 16-year-old Christian schoolgirl uploaded a video of their daughter being forced to wear the headscarf in Padang, in West Sumatra.
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