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Is China Creating A New Master Race?
Sounds eerily familiar…..

Is China Creating A New Master Race?

By Tyler Durden, Authored by Gordon Chang via The Gatestone Institute, Feb 13, 2021:

Bing Su, a Chinese geneticist at the state-run Kunming Institute of Zoology, ...

Biden KILLS pipelines at home but promotes them for Taliban terrorists
This tells you everything about the ongoing coup against America from within.

Biden kills pipelines at home but promotes them for the Taliban

By Michael Rubin | Washington Examiner | February 08, 2021:

On his first day in office, ...

EVIDENTIARY PROOF! Voting Machines Removed 6% of Votes from Each Windham, New Hampshire GOP Candidate – Same Machines Used in 85% of Towns
Dominion is filing punitive, costly lawsuits against anyone who reveals the truth.

If they were able to cheat even in small rural states like this and it seems to be frighteningly consistent from the hand recount done in one district, then what ...

NYC Mayoral Candidate Andrew Yang’s Campaign Manager Close To Genocidal Jew-Hater Linda Sarsour
We've gone down this terrible road with de Blasio who aligned with Jew haters (including Sarsour) and systematically persecuted Jews while destroying the city. Not again, Yang, Not again.

— NYC: Andrew Yang’s new mayoral campaign manager ...

WATCH THIS: Trump Defense Attorney DESTROYS Impeachment Hoax in CBS News Interview With ONE LINE
Trump defense attorney Michael van der Veen speaks with CBS News Lana Zak after the Senate's acquittal vote: “What happened at the Capitol on January 6 is absolutely horrific. But what happened at the Capitol during this trial was not too far ...

The Seven Senate Republicans Who Voted Betrayed Us and Voted to Convict Donald Trump, Two Flip Previous Vote
If the Republican Party has any chance at being viable, the anti-Trump Republicans must be primaried. All of them.

Let’s impeach RINOs from the Republican Party!!!

— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) February 13, 2021

Hey ...

Marine Le Pen Goes On Trial for Opposing Jihad Terror
You thought it would stop with the defaming and deplatforming of foes of jihad terror? No. Soviet-style judgments of insanity are next. And what will come after that? The answer is clear enough.

AFP reported Tuesday that French “far-right” ...

READ: President Trump’s Full Statement on Impeachment Trial Acquittal
“Together there is nothing we cannot accomplish.”

READ: Donald Trump’s Full Statement on Impeachment Trial Acquittal

By Epoch Times Staff, February 13, 2021:

Former President Donald Trump made a statement after the Senate voted ...

The deal that the Democrats chose to make with China has a precedent in the history of Athens and Sparta
In case you missed it, read the whole thing.

The Thirty Tyrants

The deal that the American elite chose to make with China has a precedent in the history of Athens and Sparta By: Lee Smith, Tablet Magazine, February3, 2021:

In ...


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