Eat your heart out, Liz Warren.

New Mexico’s newly-elected Rep.Yvette Herrell really is a Cherokee.

Rep. Herrell, who is representing the district where she has lived all her life, is the latest in IWF’s popular series of Champion Women profiles.

Though proud of her (genuine) Cherokee lineage, Herrell has never sought to capitalize on it. The media, however, was fascinated.

“I was always a little nervous about that, thinking people might say ‘Okay, now she's trying to be Elizabeth Warren,’ but my family really belongs to the Cherokee Nation,” says Herrell.

Relax, Congresswoman. It is highly unlike that anyone will confuse you with Elizabeth Warren.

Herrell, who served four terms in the New Mexico state house before being elected to Congress, has always sought to reduce burdensome rules and regulations that destroy jobs. She will have her work cut out for her as the Biden administration declares war on fossil fuels. Herrell backed the border wall and believes a fracking ban would be disastrous for New Mexico.

We know you will enjoy meeting this independent-minded woman and reading about her deep New Mexico roots.


Charlotte Hays
Cultural Director
Independent Women's Forum