Dear John,

In a move which probably surprised no one, a too-partisan Senate failed to convict Donald Trump for his clear role in the events of 6 January. It was the largest vote for conviction in Senate history, and seven GOP Senators did join the Democrats in trying to hold the former president accountable for his attempted coup. Alas, his hold on the party remains strong, and we are not out of the Trump era by a long shot.

Indeed, right-populist authoritarian language and sympathies have steadily grown among Republicans for decades, making someone like Trump inevitable. Impeachment was always going to be a poor way to address such persons, given its high bar for conviction and the deeply tribalistic nature of our politics. To stop Trumpism, we need to defeat the message itself, and that's why I am in this fight.

As a historian, I have taken a special interest in the populist and nationalist movements of the past. And I can tell you in no uncertain terms that the conspiracies which drove the attack on the Capitol are as toxic and insidious as those which drove Italy and Germany to embrace fascism. This language is dangerous, and it needs to be challenged where it lives, and with the right counter arguments. Impeachment won't save us; real engagement with the voters can.

There is a war on for the heart of America, and campaigns like ours -- which rise above the corporate corruption and tribalistic culture wars -- are needed more than ever. Ken Calvert will always toe the party line and defend its demagogues and oligarchs, because he works for them, not for us. Folks like Ken have shown us where their heart lies; so on this Valentine's Day, why not show a little love for the cure?

We need a different kind of politics to get out of the mess we're in, not the same old status quo story. Without a genuine people's movement, our social problems may lead this country to embrace the radical nationalism and authoritarianism of someone like Trump. The solution is to uphold the lessons of our Founders, embrace our diversity, and create a true government of the people and for the people.

And a vital step toward that future comes in electing a clean Congress, which starts with you and me. If you haven't already signed up for one, please consider a small recurring donation. Even the price of a coffee each month adds up, and if a few thousand people give just five dollars a month we can win this House seat and bring real change to Washington.

In Solidarity,

Liam O'Mara and Team Liam