Hi Friend,
My main job on the campaign is giving -- and receiving -- love. Whenever there’s a person in the office or talking with mom on the trail, you know I’m right there expecting some sort of attention. That’s exactly why I love Valentine’s Day so much -- it’s a day dedicated to love!
I don’t get to see my mom everyday, but it’s okay because I know she’s working really hard to make sure every Nevadan feels loved and included. Plus, when she’s home, I get a lot of extra pets and ear scratches to make up for it.
So friend, can you do me a favor? On this day of love, let’s send my mom a little Valentine. Can you donate $15, $10, or even $5 to her reelection campaign?
My mom is the best person I know. Not only does she care about expanding health care to all Nevadans (we all need a trip to the vet sometimes) and fighting climate change that affects our hiking trails, but she always gives me belly rubs when I request it. Instead of a belly scratch, can you help my mom by donating to her campaign? Just $5 would make a difference.
I hope you’re able to spend Valentine’s Day with your loved ones. As soon as I press send on this email, I’m going to cuddle with my parents and siblings. Maybe I’ll even get a treat or two :)
Yours truly,