John -
Valentine's Day and more importantly for many, Happy Daytona 500. I
hope everyone is enjoying President's Day weekend and welcome to our
Weekend Update.
While I was in the District this week, many eyes were on the
Democrat’s political impeachment process against former President
Donald J. Trump. The President Trump’s defense team highlighted the
manufactured and doctored evidence and videos they showed and the
blatant hypocrisy of their arguments. Click
here or below to watch the video from President Trump’s defense
team that highlights video clips of the Democrats’ rhetoric.

I appeared on CBS-21's Face the State program to discuss
the Democrat's impeachment effort and the response to the Covid-19
pandemic. Click
here or below to watch.

I am pleased the Senate chose to vote down the impeachment attempt
again. This effort was blatantly political, and it is frankly time
move on. The truth is that the rhetoric on both sides is too much, the
Democrats are entirely too focused on governing through politics and
we need to start focusing on working together on issues that will help
Americans and make our nation grow stronger.
President Joe Biden promised to work together and continues to
express the need for ‘unity’. We have yet to see any bipartisan
actions on his part. One place to start would be having some level of
negotiation and compromise on Biden's $1.9 trillion spending plan. The
spending levels that the Biden and Democrat-led Congress are proposing
are in a word... OBSCENE.
We must work together to find compromise on a reasonable Covid-19
Relief bill that focuses on addressing the real needs including…
increased testing capacity, making additional vaccines available,
supporting our hospitals and healthcare providers and senior homes. We
must provide funding to attack the virus with mass distribution of
vaccine doses, then continue to address the needs of the economy and
continue a targeted economic recovery plan. One thing is certain,
providing an environment where the economy is able to open is the best
stimulus we could deliver.
In News You Won’t Hear In The Mainstream Media:
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo wrote a book on managing the Covid-19
crisis and was widely praised by the media for his efforts handling
the virus. He even won an Emmy. This was all in spite of the fact his
state was impacted worse than other states. Unfortunately, this story
got worse. This week, additional news about how he mishandled nursing
homes during the pandemic was released. The Governor held daily press
conferences on the pandemic where he promised to deliver “just the
facts.” In that vein, here are just the facts:
- The Cuomo administration for months dramatically underreported the
statewide number of Covid-19 deaths a month long-term care residents.
- Current deaths are at nearly 15,000, while the Cuomo
Administration only disclosed 8,500
- On March 25, 2020, Cuomo issued a state directive barring nursing
homes from refusing people just because they had Covid-19.
- Cuomo’s Top aide Melissa DeRosa told lawmakers the data on nursing
homes was delayed because officials worried that the information was
“going to be used against us” by the Trump administration's Department
of Justice.
Much of this information came to light due to a report by the
Democrat New York Attorney General Letitia James. Similar instructions
regarding nursing homes in New York was delivered in Pennsylvania.
Yet, our Attorney General Josh Shapiro has not acted. In fact, last
May, Shapiro’s office announced with some fanfare that he would
investigate the issue of nursing home deaths in the Commonwealth. Not
surprisingly, we have received no investigation, no report, no comment
at all from the Attorney General's office. I am sending a letter to
the Attorney General's office this week asking for a similar report.
The people of Pennsylvania deserve the truth.
Saturday morning, I attended the Berks County GOP Meeting. We
discussed the latest events in Washington and in the District. We have
Republicans running for statewide judicial office to local offices and
it is critical we get out the vote for our candidates.

On another note, I continue to be dismayed by the "woke" cultures
attempts to silence praise for our nation and those who fought and
continue to fight to protect the freedoms we all enjoy. This week,
Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban was exposed for not playing the
national anthem at home games throughout the year. This is wrong and I
called him on it. I tweeted the message below.

Short after this news came to light, the NBA announced that the
national anthem must be played before each game. I acknowledge that
our nation is not perfect, (because we are human and no human is
perfect) but we are living in the greatest nation in the history of
the world. Honoring our flag and the men and women who protect our
freedoms should never be controversial.
Lastly, I want to acknowledge the passing of two great Americans.
Shelley and I were saddened to hear the terrible news that Congressman
Ron Wright has passed away this past week. Ron and I entered Congress
together in 2019, and I came to know and respect him while we both
served on the Education and Labor Committee. Please keep his wife
Susan, their three children, and nine grandchildren in your
Additionally, I want to pay my respects to former Pennsylvania
State Rep. George Hasay who passed away. George was the consummate
public servant, proudly representing the people of Columbia, Luzerne,
and Wyoming Counties for 34 years. He had great respect for his
constituents and even after his retirement, his advocacy for the
betterment of his community and Pennsylvania never stopped. George was
a role model and mentor to many and I was honored to call him a
friend. Please keep his wife Nancy and their family in your thoughts
and prayers during this difficult time.
Thank you and I look forward to seeing you soon,
