
Today marks three years since 17 students and educators were senselessly murdered at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.

We know all too well that no amount of time makes life without a child or loved one any easier. And as news has recently emerged that conspiracy theorists like Marjorie Taylor Greene have harassed survivors and spread vicious lies that school shootings like Parkland never even happened, it’s as important as ever to honor the lives stolen in this horrific tragedy and make sure their families know our hearts are with them.

So today, we hope you’ll join us and sign our card to let those affected by the Parkland tragedy know that the Sandy Hook Promise community sends our love – as well as a promise to continue doing everything we can to prevent another tragedy like this from ever happening again.

Please click here to sign our remembrance card for those murdered in the Parkland shooting – and to promise their families we will never stop taking action to protect children and communities from gun violence.

No parent should have to experience what it’s like to send their child to school, only to receive the news that they’ll never come home. Thank you for joining us in sending your love to the families who face the devastating reality of life without their loved one every single day – and for your continued action to prevent more parents from knowing that kind of unbearable pain.

Sandy Hook Promise

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