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INNOCENT! Senate Votes to ACQUIT President Trump
Look what these treasonous bastards are wasting our taxpayer dollars on while they destroy the country.

And these quislings but be thrown out with the trash:

The vote was 57-43, with 67 needed to convict. Seven Republicans voted with the ...

New: Near HALF OF ALL VOTERS say mail-in voting led to unprecedented voter fraud in the 2020 election including 70% of Republican, 46% of unaffiliated
Half the country – and that same half is being silenced, cancelled. persecuted for asking questions by totalitarians traitors (Democrats).

Most GOP Voters Still Don’t Think Biden Was Elected Fairly

Rasmussen Reports, February 12, 2021 ...

California hits 1.5 million signatures to recall Governor Gavin Newsom
Cuomo next!

Californians Prepare To Take Down Gov. Gavin Newsom Before He Takes Down The State

BREAKING: CA hits 1.5 million signatures to recall Governor Gavin Newsom

— ELIJAH SCHAFFER (@ElijahSchaffer) February 13, 2021

The ...

Buzz: Trump to unleash after hoax trial
You didn't think he was going away did you? Many in the GOP establishment are going to pay an enormous political price for betraying President Trump. They don't realize who they are dealing with.

Trump losing exposed the frauds and exposing the ...

Dirty, Dishonest Democrats Vote to ‘Call Witnesses’ in Impeachment Hoax Show Trial
The media is dead without Trump — prolonging Trump persecution is the strategy to coverup Joe Biden's disastrous economy destroying policies.

Impeachment trial: Senate votes to hear witnesses

On the fifth day of former president Donald ...

WATCH: Psaki Won’t Answer When Asked If Israel Is Important Ally Of U.S.; She Doesn’t Answer
Disgraceful. America does not have a better ally than Israel.

Related – Republican Leaders Slam Biden for Not Calling Israeli PM Netanyahu

Why the wait, @JoeBiden?

— RJC (@RJC) February 12, 2021


What Mossad’s Chief is Not Planning to Discuss with Biden
Yossi Cohen, the Mossad chief and wonder-worker who is straight out of Central Casting, has a list of issues he would like to raise with the Biden Administration as it considers whether, when, and exactly with what undertakings by Iran, it will ...

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