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INGRATE: Nikki Haley criticizes Trump and says he has no future in the GOP
Actually it is the Republican Party that has no future without President Trump, Nikki Haley. Haley has again decided to attack President Trump to appease the Republican Party establishment. This incredibly ill-advised decision will cost her big ...

US Marshals, ICE ‘Reevaluate’ Operations on Sex Offenders After Biden Deportation Freeze
No President did more than Trump to end human and sex trafficking than Trump. The pedophile and prostitution wing of the Democrats were having none of that.

US Marshals, ICE ‘Reevaluate’ Operations on Sex Offenders After Biden Deportation ...

Evidence Shows Capitol Breach Was Pre-Planned, Proving Trump Did Not “Incite” and Congress Leadership Knew of Capitol Riot Days Before
More to the point, it was leftist rioters who were behind the break in.

Further, evidence seems to indicate Congress leadership knew of Capitol riot days before

“Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) said that from the evidence coming out about the ...

70 Percent of Republicans Would Consider Joining Trump-Led Party, Poll Finds
I believe it's higher because we have no party.

70 Percent of Republicans Would Consider Joining Trump-Led Party, Poll Finds

By GQ Pan, The Epoch Times, February 11, 2021:

More than two-thirds of Republicans would join or consider ...

Fauci Meets with the Brotherhood
Last April, TV station WMTW reported that the Council on American-Islamic Relations had joined the National Muslim Coronavirus Task Force.

However, after announcing this at the beginning of the broadcast, the reporter veered away from the ...

Democrats name Jihad-Rep. Ilhan Omar leadership post in House Foreign Affairs
The most evil ascend to the most powerful Democrat positions. Hatred of America, Jews, freedom and the West is the currency in which to succeed.

The Republicans punish their best, the Democrats exalt their worst.

Rep. Ilhan Omar takes ...

Disney’s Star Gina Carano Fired For Her Political Views
It's all the more sinister considering how those left-wing thumbsuckers in Hollywood beat us about the head relentlessly with the terror McCarthyism.

For all those who still wonder how the Nazis, Stasi, KGB, CCP subdued and oppressed whole ...

Biden State Dept. Pick Matt Duss Boosts Omar Jew-Hating Tweet Praising Court Decision to Investigate Israeli ‘War Crimes’
The repugnant anti-Israel activist Matt Duss is headed to the State Department. In 2016, many of America's prominent Jewish groups fraudulently condemned President Trump's appointment of Steve Bannon as chief strategist. Today, many of these same ...

KIller Cuomo’s aide admits they hid nursing home data from feds
Cuomo killed thousands of seniors but callously addressed COVID nursing home report: this way ‘Who cares!’. And the enemedia sings this mass murderer's high praises while excoriating Fla's governor for doing a spectacular job.

America is ...

Oman content with Israel relationship, despite Abraham Accords
As expected. Now that President Trump is out of office, there will likely be no more peace agreements between Israel and its Arab neighbors. At least for the foreseeable future. Expanding the Abraham Accords does not seem to be a priority for the ...

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