Dear Friend,

I am so pleased to announce we are building on the incredible legal momentum from 2020 with a breaking new lawsuit!

NCOSE and an accomplished assembly of survivor-focused and commercial litigation law firms just jointly filed a groundbreaking class action lawsuit against MindGeek for their hand in facilitating and profiting from the sexual abuse and exploitation of countless lives! MindGeek and its pornography empire built on sexual violence, misogyny, racism, child abuse, and sex trafficking WILL be held accountable under the law.

This case represents another critical step in the process to bring about the demise of the online pornography industry! Read our press statement here.

Please share this news to your friends, family, and professional circles—we need everyone to know just how important and groundbreaking this is for survivors of online sexual abuse everywhere.

Thank you for partnering with us and building this movement. Finally, there is a voice for justice in our courts and legislature holding these global corporations accountable. This will be a long journey, as we expect MindGeek to fight the case as hard as they and their deep pockets can. You bet we will be sending you updates and calling on you for more help! Actually, we need your help right now—please take action below.

YOU are helping make these victories happen!

Help us spread the word about this lawsuit!

Here are links to our breaking news posts. Share on your favorite, or better, on all of the platforms!


With gratitude for your service,

Dawn Hawkins
Senior Vice President and Executive Director
National Center on Sexual Exploitation

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