Hi John.
Last week, more than 370 Democratic congressional staffers added their names to an open letter urging Senate leaders to convict Donald Trump for the lies he spread that incited the violent and traumatic January 6 attack on our Capitol.
Their stories must be heard.
While I know many of us are ready to put the Trump era behind us and move forward to re-establishing our nation as a trusted leader and ally to people and across the world, I cannot ignore the demands of members of my own team and the people I walk the halls with each day.
I stand with the congressional aides calling on the Senate to convict Donald Trump for sedition and bar him from running for office ever again. Today I need to know if you stand with us.
Should Donald Trump be convicted for his crimes?
My team and I hope to hear from you.
I will keep you updated,
Mary Gay
Paid For By Scanlon For Congress

Scanlon For Congress
PO Box 263
Swarthmore PA 19081 United States
