
This week we launched an independent campaign targeting Congressman Jeff Van Drew designed to galvanize opposition to the Republican party-switcher in advance of the 2022 election. The effort includes a new website detailing the ways ‘Traitor Jeff Van Drew’ has betrayed his constituents and displayed his fealty to disgraced former President Donald Trump. The campaign is designed to support and encourages concerned residents to learn more about how to defeat Van Drew, and it will include social media, digital advertising and more. 

Image Description: Traitor Jeff Van Drew

After switching parties and declaring his undying support for Donald Trump, he voted against certifying the election results, voted no on a bipartisan impeachment and voted against stripping congressional committee assignments from a dangerous conspiracy theorist. Jeff Van Drew has put his thirst for political power over the people he swore to serve and he must be removed from office — that work starts now, and it will end in his defeat. 

To join the movement to defeat traitor Jeff Van Drew and elect a Congressperson who stands up for South Jersey values, sign up at:

Header: Gov. Murphy Update

With key metrics like hospitalizations now in a steady decline, Governor Murphy is taking steps to safely reopen our state in a deliberative, careful manner by scaling back on some public health measures. Indoor dining can now operate at 35% capacity and the 10:00pm curfew has been eliminated, helping struggling small businesses keep their doors open. The Governor also announced that the upcoming April and May local elections will once again have traditional in-person voting, thanks to lower numbers of cases throughout the state and the continued growth of vaccine distribution. 

Image Description: Chart of Total Hospitalizations

For up to date information regarding new cases and directives regarding coronavirus, or information on vaccine registration and signup, visit the state’s dedicated COVID-19 Information Hub or follow Governor Murphy’s official pages on social media. You can also reach the state’s Vaccine Call Center at 1-855-568-0545. 

Twitter: @GovMurphy


Header: President Biden Update

Ever since taking office just weeks ago, President Biden and his team have worked tirelessly to clean up the mess that the Trump administration left behind, and nowhere was this more pronounced than in fighting against COVID-19. In just a short time the new administration has made tremendous progress -- and this week the President announced that he has secured 200 million additional doses of COVID-19 vaccines, enough to cover every adult in the country by the summer. 

With this massive increase in supply coupled with the vaccine distribution network that Governor Murphy and local, county and private partners have built, we can expect wide availability of these life saving vaccines here in New Jersey in the coming months. 

Header: Black History Month Update

Continuing our celebration of Black History Month, we will host two panels next week highlighting the contributions of Black women in our state and our nation. On Monday, the 10:00am panel will take place during the party’s annual “Faith and Democratic Party” Breakfast with Governor Phil Murphy, First Lady Tammy Murphy, Lieutenant Governor Sheila Oliver and NJDSC Chairman John Currie all making remarks. The Thursday 7:00pm panel will feature Assemblywomen Linda Carter, Mila Jasey and Angela McKnight and will be moderated by the Chair of the Emerging Leaders Caucus Fatima Heyward. 

Our Black History Month programming will continue all month, so make sure you follow our NJDSC Facebook and Twitter pages to join us. 

Thank you,

Chairman John Currie





Paid for by the New Jersey Democratic State Committee.
New Jersey Democratic State Committee
194-196 West State Street
Trenton, NJ 08608
United States
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