Dear John, 

Whether it is access to affordable healthcare, wage stagnation, social justice reform, children not feeling safe in their own classroom, or the way people are treated, no matter their country of origin, it all starts with the right people in office representing us. These are just a few examples of how important the upcoming election cycle is. Not just at the top of the ticket, but all the way up and down the ballot. From City Council to the President we need accountability and we need Democrats in office.


In 2020 here in Oklahoma, we have a Congressional seat to hold, 26 state legislative seats up for grabs in districts that were within 5% last cycle, a Senate seat on the line, and progress to be made statewide. If we want to be successful that work needs to start now!!


We are asking our fellow Democrats, from progressives to moderates, to stay involved or get involved during this crucial off-cycle year. If we don't, we risk losing the progress we have made...

Is there a time this week or next we can meet to discuss how your involvement can directly help our party and candidates statewide this upcoming cycle?

Stuart Scofield
Oklahoma Democratic Party
Field Director
We can't spell 'Blue Wave' without 'u'