When Jamie Raskin concluded the prosecution against Trump yesterday, Atlantic contributing editor Norm Ornstein said this on Twitter: "When I lost my son, I was in a fog for weeks, nearly paralyzed with grief. To imagine that Jamie Raskin has not just gotten up every day, but has done this master class in constitutional law, philosophy, logic, patriotism & more with eloquence, force, passion...My God. What a hero."

In contrast, The New York Times characterized Trump's impeachment defense that just wrapped up as "incendiary," -- reporting that his lawyers "embraced falsehoods" and made "inaccurate claims."

We've been airing our TV ad with Raskin's powerful argument on Fox News in DC where Republican senators will see it -- and preparing more accountability ads for people like Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, and others.

But we need to make a decision TODAY because our ad buy is running out. Should we go dark or should Republican senators keep seeing Raskin's message right up until they vote? Chip in here so we can extend our ad buy and prepare more accountability ads. Thank you.

An MSNBC impeachment analyst told viewers last night that "I don't think that this is over by any stretch." The Hill reports, "McConnell is not pressuring GOP to acquit Trump."


As Jamie Raskin closed the prosecution's case, he paraphrased his opening argument that we feature in our ad: "If the Senate acquits Donald Trump, then any president could incite and provoke insurrectionary violence against us again."

Keep this argument on TV in DC until the vote.

When we aired our first ad previewing Jamie Raskin's opening argument, we got positive feedback from people in Congress, reporters, political allies, and activists. This updated ad with Raskin's actual argument is even more powerful -- and just as important for senators to see over and over right up until they vote.

We've been specifically showing our ads where Republican senators in particular will see them: on Fox News in DC between 7am and 10am before senators go to the Capitol -- and at night after they leave the trial

But our ad buy is running out so we need to know: Should we go dark? Or should we keep Raskin's opening argument front and center right up until the vote for senators who need to remember it? Click here to help extend our ad and prepare more accountability ads to air soon!

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-- The PCCC Team (@BoldProgressive)

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