This morning, we got even more evidence that Governor Cuomo needs to go.

John —

Enough is enough. This morning, we got even more evidence that Governor Cuomo needs to go. In a leaked conversation, the Governor’s top aide admitted the administration withheld data on COVID deaths in nursing homes, where more than 10,000 New Yorkers have died of the virus.

The Governor was more worried about his own political ambitions than providing New Yorkers with accurate information in the middle of a pandemic. Chip in here to help our campaign hold him accountable!

This news comes just weeks after State Attorney General Letitia James released a bombshell report accusing the Cuomo administration of underreporting COVID deaths in nursing homes by up to 50%. Throughout this pandemic, Cuomo has lied to New Yorkers and abused his power as governor.

I stood up to Cuomo back when few would, and I’m the only candidate for Manhattan Borough President who will fight to hold him accountable.

But I need your help to make that happen! Will you chip in right now?


Donate to Hold Cuomo Accountable 

Stay strong,
