America's Oldest & Largest Young Republican Club

NYYRC Calls For
Governor Cuomo’s
Immediate Resignation

Some leaders command respect as they confront adversity; they summon inner strength, make informed decisions, and build compelling narratives to explain their actions. Others, like Governor Andrew Cuomo, do not. The New York Young Republican Club calls on Andrew Cuomo to resign immediately.

New Yorkers have long known that Andrew Cuomo lacks integrity. However, his past indiscretions pale compared to those of the COVID era. Bribes from real estate developers and sleazy campaign personnel surprise no one, while enacting policies to kill New Yorkers and lying about it reasonably raises eyebrows. Recent revelations from the New York Post underscore that the blood of thousands of New Yorkers stains Cuomo’s hands indelibly. Their families, their friends, and everyone else not employed by Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Jr. know it.

News of Andrew Cuomo’s malfeasance has floated widely in recent months. From the time of his initial order that nursing homes accept COVID-positive patients, Andrew Cuomo condemned a swathe of elderly New Yorkers to death. Never one to admit a mistake, he retrenched himself multiple times. He requested and received permission to use the USNS Comfort for COVID patients, but, intent not to give President Donald J Trump a “win,” he never granted permission to transfer patients to it. He manipulated statistics and counted deaths based on location. This had the (intended) effect of decreasing the reported count of nursing home deaths.

The New York Post now tells a fuller story, quoting Secretary to the Governor Melissa DeRosa:

“[President Donald J Trump] starts tweeting that we killed everyone in nursing homes. He starts going after [New Jersey Gov. Phil] Murphy, starts going after [California Gov. Gavin] Newsom, starts going after [Michigan Gov.] Gretchen Whitmer. […]

“[He] directs the Department of Justice to do an investigation into us. And basically, we froze. Because then we were in a position where we weren’t sure if what we were going to give to the Department of Justice, or what we give to [Democrat candidates], what we start saying, was going to be used against us while we weren’t sure if there was going to be an investigation. That played a very large role into this.”

Andrew Cuomo knew what he did when he sent sick people to ill-equipped facilities home to elderly and frail New Yorkers. He knew what he did was stupid. He knew what he did was wrong. And unable to own up to his error and rectify it quickly, he retrenched and lied while New Yorkers died. In the meantime, he wrote a book to laud himself and his masterful handling of a pandemic that killed 15,000 people in nursing homes.

Unsurprisingly, Andrew Cuomo’s book, much like his press conferences, is filled with untruths. Though the panel that selected him for the International Emmy Founders Award did not notice, if one listens carefully to him, the unmistakable tenor of Iago emerges:

And what’s he then that says I play the villain?
When this advice is free I give and honest
Othello, Act 2, Scene 3

Andrew Cuomo is the Iago of our day—outwardly dedicated and honest, but inwardly rotten to the bone. But will he suffer the fate of Iago for his crimes? Let us hope that New Yorkers hold him to account. We certainly plan to.

Gavin Wax
New York Young Republican Club

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Discounted CPAC Tickets!

The New York Young Republican Club is proud to announce that we have secured for our Club members discounted $75 tickets (Retail $150) to CPAC 2021 in Orlando, Florida from February 25th - February 28th!

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We look forward to seeing you all there for one of the most exciting events for young conservatives all year!

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Board Position Available: Communications Committee Chairperson

The New York Young Republican Club is looking for a new Communications Committee Chairperson.

The Chairperson of this committee serves as a voting member of the Club’s Board of Governors and reports directly to the Corresponding Secretary. We are looking for someone with a passion for both conservative politics and a background in either marketing, public relations, social media, or other related fields.

Applicants must be a current member of the Club in good standing and be willing to commit to at-least one board meeting and one Club event per month.

If you are interested in applying for this position please fill out the application form here and if you qualify we will reach out to set up a video interview.

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Nominations For New York State Young Republicans (NYSYR) Rising Star Awards

The New York State Young Republicans (NYSYR) plan to award Rising Stars within the New York Young Republican movement at their annual convention this May in Niagara Falls. The NYSRS has asked that our Club provide two nominees for this award (one male and one female—no Apache helicopters, sadly). The Board of Governors, therefore, requests that all Members share their perspective on which Club Members would best fill this role and has created the following form to collect this data. After receiving and reviewing nominees and supporting statements, the Board of Governors will revert to Members on the next step to select our nominees by the end of February.

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