San Francisco Chronicle: San Francisco cannot foist pandemic’s economic burden onto landlords

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, governments across the country have tried to limit the economic damage caused by the unprecedented lockdowns.

That is certainly a worthy goal, writes Oliver Dunford. But far too often, rather than providing assistance across the board—which might require unpopular tax hikes on everyone—governments stick only some people with the bill.

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Tax lien foreclosures—or legalized home theft?

In some states, missing a tax payment could cost you your home. That’s exactly what happened to the Mucciaccio family, who lost their Easton, Massachusetts, home—and the home’s entire equity—to a private investor.

As Christina Martin and Joshua Polk explain, state law expressly allows this scheme at the expense of property owners’ rights.

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FDA’s distillery fiasco illustrates why arbitrary regulation is a problem

“No good deed goes unpunished,” as the old saying goes.

Oliver Dunford tells us how distillery owners, who acted quickly last year to relieve the national shortage of hand sanitizer in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, learned that lesson the hard way.

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