The chilling evidence being presented at Trump's impeachment trial is driving home, in starker terms than ever before, just how out-for-blood the Trump mob was, and how close they came to actually getting their hands on members of Congress, their staff, and the former Vice President of the United States.

PFAW Member,
Chilling. Disturbing. Horrific.
Those are just a few words to describe the evidence, especially video footage of the violent January 6 siege of the Capitol, being presented in Trump’s impeachment trial.
This week, the evidence drove home, in starker terms than ever before, just how out-for-blood the Trump mob was, and how close they came to actually getting their hands on members of Congress, their staff, and the former Vice President of the United States.
Our message to every U.S. senator serving as a juror in this trial is clear:
TRUMP. DID. THIS. This attack on our democracy, this stain on our country, was of his making.
The idea that our Constitution would shield the person responsible for this treasonous carnage from accountability – because the president committed this heinous crime with just a couple of weeks left to his term – is patently ridiculous, and is an assault on both the Constitution and common sense.
If you, as a senator and a juror in this impeachment trial, embrace or hide behind the argument that the timing of the Trump-led insurrection doesn’t allow the Senate to try and convict him under the Constitution, then you are both a liar and a coward. And we will fight to hold YOU accountable for your traitorous betrayal of your country, your constituents, and your oath of office.
If you’re with us and you’re ready to keep fighting for the accountability we need in order to move forward as a country, then please make a 3X-matched donation now to ramp up the pressure on U.S. senators throughout the impeachment trial and to hold accountable the senators who continue to cover for Trump.
We're still almost $4K short of what we need to raise before our Triple Match deadline at midnight tonight. You can get us there right now by chipping in just a small piece of that or whatever you can give.
Renew with a donation now to triple your impact and hold Trump, his mob, and his enablers accountable>>
There are right-wing senators, like Sens. Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley, who eagerly helped champion Trump’s big lie that the 2020 election was stolen. They are culpable in their own right for fomenting sedition and serving as Trump’s accomplices.
Now, an even greater number of senators seem eager to whitewash the Capitol insurrection to defend Donald Trump.
Some of them – including Hawley and Sens. Rand Paul, Tom Cotton, and both of Florida’s right-wing senators, among others – have reportedly been showing tremendous disrespect during the gut-wrenching videos and presentations of evidence – doodling in notepads with their feet up on the chairs in front of them while video plays of their colleagues fleeing for their lives and capitol police officers being brutally assaulted… [1] Ted Cruz was apparently busy tweeting about “breast milk.” [2]
One can only speculate as to whether these senators have any sense of decency or humanity, or if they truly are as depraved as their actions and behavior suggest.
You can help do it by renewing today with a 3X-matched donation to keep our accountability campaign going strong – especially during this week’s Senate trial>>
Thank you so much for everything you do. It’s more important than ever.
-- Ben Betz, Sr. Director, Digital/Organizing

1. Vanity Fair, "Josh Hawley Shrugs Off Horrifying Footage of Capitol Attack on Second Day of Impeachment Trial," February 11, 2021
2. HuffPost, "Chris Cuomo Rages At Ted Cruz For Breast Milk Tweet During Impeachment Trial," February 11, 2021
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Radical Right extremists are trying to turn back the clock on a century of advances in civil rights, women’s rights, workers’ rights, the social safety net and more… they’re waging an all-out assault on the fundamental pillars of our country – democracy, checks and balances, a fair and independent judicial branch, and core values like fairness, equality, and justice for all.
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