As Israelis head back to the ballot box one month from now, we invite you to a discussion on the role of Jewish-Arab partnership and efforts to build stronger political alliances for the future >>

INVITE: J Stream virtual briefing on Jewish-Arab Political Partnership

J Street

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Following Israel’s second election of 2019, MK Ayman Odeh threw the support of the primarily-Arab Joint List behind Benny Gantz’s bid to form a government. “Arab Palestinian citizens [of Israel] cannot change the course of Israel alone,” wrote Odeh, “but change is impossible without us.”

Ultimately, that was correct. Following another round of elections, there was a great deal of talk about an Arab-backed minority government that could end Netanyahu’s rule. But Gantz instead struck a bargain that kept Netanyahu in power and which, predictably, quickly unraveled.

As Israelis head back to the ballot box one month from now, we invite you to a discussion on the role of Jewish-Arab partnership and efforts to build stronger political alliances for the future >>

When: February 18 at 1pm Eastern
Where: Watch live on Zoom or catch the recording on our website

In the 2019 and 2020 Israeli elections, “Jewish Arab partnership” was something of a buzzword, an aspiration of grassroots organizations and activists that was further fueled when the Joint List threw its support behind Gantz. But even before Gantz shattered those hopes, critics questioned how much some of those championing “partnership” were truly interested in mutual empowerment versus merely boosting the electoral prospects of primarily Jewish parties.

Our discussion will look back on the advances and setbacks of the past few years and the research being done into strategies for breaking the barriers that stand in the way of full and equal political participation for Arab Israelis.

We’ll be joined by:

Dr. Thabet Abu Rass, Co-Executive Director of the Abraham Initiatives
Ron Gerlitz, Executive Director of aChord -- Social Psychology for Social Change
Michal Sherez Shilor, Director of International Relations at aChord -- Social Psychology for Social Change

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I hope you’ll be able to join us next Thursday.

-Eve Lifson
Assistant Israel Director, J Street

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