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50 years in Washington, Still an Amateur

Whenever I get a glimpse of national news I become even more thankful that, because of the hard work we’ve all contributed to over the last several years, Indiana is led by Republicans like Governor Holcomb, our legislative supermajorities and conservative leaders from the courthouse to the statehouse throughout Indiana. Roughly a month into the current legislative session and we’re seeing progress being made on important issues. And, while session is progressing, Indiana continues to vaccinate Hoosiers and is best in the Midwest and one of the top states in the country. The cold weather isn’t slowing down our infrastructure projects either and jobs keep coming to Indiana at an impressive rate. Compare that record of good governance to what we’re seeing from the liberal takeover of Washington DC.

The first few weeks of Joe Biden’s presidency are off to a rough start. The new president’s first actions were to kill union jobs, raise gas prices, weaken our southern border, and turn over American energy independence to international “accords.” An administration that claimed it would be ready on day one, is stumbling out of the gate. An administration that claimed they respected science and doctors is openly contradicting the head of the CDC on school openings and Dr. Anthony Fauci on vaccine planning. It’s amateur hour in the White House, which is surprising when you consider Biden has been in DC since the Nixon administration.

As for the farce of an impeachment trial going on now in the Senate, you can read my thoughts on it by clicking here.

Thank you,

Photo: Chairman Hupfer participating in one of the many Zooms and videos he does each week.
Governor Holcomb's Week That Was

Building One Indiana for All

This week, Governor Holcomb announced a new initiative to continue his fight against the drug epidemic. The governor’s new program expands access to the opioid reversal agent naloxone through the purchase of 24/7-access to “NaloxBox” units. These boxes are just one innovative strategy the governor is deploying to continue fighting back against the opioid crisis that has claimed too many Hoosier lives.

Governor Holcomb also announced his office is now accepting applications for the Governor’s Fellowship program. This is a great opportunity for new college graduates to gain valuable experience across multiple state agencies. More information on the program and how to apply is listed below. If you know some good college graduates that should participate in this program, send them the information!

And finally, Governor Holcomb joined all Hoosiers in mourning the death of former Indiana First Lady Susan Bayh. The governor’s full statement on Susan Bayh’s passing is below.

To stay up to date on the latest developments, make sure you're following Governor Holcomb on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram


Naloxone Kits Available in All 92 Counties

Governor Holcomb and the Indiana Family and Social Services Administration’s Division of Mental Health and Addiction today announced the state will partner with Overdose Lifeline, Inc. to expand access to the opioid reversal agent naloxone through the purchase of 24/7-access “NaloxBox” units. These Naloxone kits will be available in all 92 counties and will save countless Hoosier lives in our continued fight against the opioid epidemic.

“Making overdose response tools like naloxone readily available to any Hoosier who may encounter an individual suffering from an overdose is critical in addressing the drug epidemic. We’re committed to raising awareness about the need for bystanders to carry this lifesaving drug, which is why we’ve made it available via so many avenues, oftentimes at no cost to Hoosiers.” -Governor Holcomb


Governor Holcomb's Statement on Susan Bayh

Governor Holcomb gave the following statement on the passing of former First Lady Susan Bayh:

“Janet and I were saddened to learn about the passing of former First Lady Susan Bayh. She was an extraordinary and radiant public servant, wife, mother and friend, who leaves a remarkable impact on our state and nation. I ask all Hoosiers to join us in praying and being there for the Bayh family.” -Governor Holcomb


COVID-19 Vaccine Update

Thanks to Governor Holcomb's leadership, Indiana continues to set the bar and lead the way with COVID-19 vaccines. 10.7% of all Hoosiers have received at least the first dose of the vaccine. Not only is Indiana getting vaccines distributed quickly, but now Hoosiers 65+ can schedule to get vaccinated. 

--> Click here for information on the COVID-19 vaccine in Indiana <--


Governor's Fellow Applications Now Open

Applications are now open for the Governor’s Fellowship Program! This full-time, paid opportunity provides young men & women firsthand experience in a variety of state government roles. Governor’s Fellows work in a variety of settings. Many of those who have participated as Governor’s Fellows over the past two decades have gone on to successful careers in both the public and private sector. If you know someone who would be interested in this opportunity, make sure to share this information.

--> For more information and to apply, click here <--


Lt. Gov. Receives COVID-19 Vaccine

Great news! Lieutenant Governor Suzanne Crouch has received her first dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in her hometown of Evansville.

“So that is why the priority and focus has been on those elderly Hoosiers, to be able to ensure we have the ICU beds available to treat sick Hoosiers, but also to be able to save lives.” -Lieutenant Governor Crouch


Chairman Hupfer on Fort Wayne's Morning News

Chairman Kyle Hupfer had the chance to speak with WOWO’s Kayla Blakeslee last week about the 2021 plans for the Indiana GOP. You can listen to that interview here.


News You Can Use

Governor Eric Holcomb announces 24/7 naloxone initiative
Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch receives COVID-19 vaccine 
Senator Todd Young's stimulus amendment approved with bi-partisan support
Senator Mike Braun's amendment to prevent the Biden administration from banning fracking passes
Congresswoman Jackie Walorski cosponsers bill to save Keystone Pipeline jobs
Congressman Jim Banks selected as Ranking Member of the House Armed Services Subcommittee
Congressman Jim Baird appointed as top Republican on Agriculture subcommittee 
Congresswoman Victoria Spartz selected to serve on 2 House committees
Congressman Greg Pence's Cyber Pilot Program Signed into Law
Congressman Larry Bucshon releases statement on House Dem's budget resolution
Congressman Trey Hollingsworth visits local businesses in Corydon

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