
Did you see Adam’s email earlier this week? These ghost guns are terrifying. It takes less than an hour to make one and loopholes in federal regulation allows them to sneak past every single one of our nation's gun safety laws.

But here’s the good news: President Biden can direct The Bureau for Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) to close the loophole allowing the sale of “unfinished” gun parts without any safety requirements.

Will you send President Biden a message today and ask him to take action? 

Frances Patano
Communications Manager

---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: Adam Garber <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, Feb 9, 2021 at 3:26 PM
Subject: Close the ghost gun loophole



This should terrify you: Ghost guns are do it yourself guns made from readily available, unregulated parts. They can be made in just an hour with no background check required.  

That means domestic abusers and other people intent on hurting others can avoid almost every single one of our nation's gun safety laws. The Bureau for Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) created this loophole by allowing the sale of “unfinished” gun parts without any safety requirements. That also means they can close it. 

Can you email President Biden and tell him we need the ATF to close this dangerous loophole? 

We do not know how many of these ghost guns are out there. But, ATF agents recovered dozens in Philadelphia in just one year. Others were found in Central Pennsylvania.¹ And while our State Attorney General has classified these guns as firearms, requiring buyers to meet the same legal requirements as if they were purchasing a firearm, a Commonwealth Court issued an injunction, putting any progress on hold.²

The Trump administration refused to act. But President Biden understands these weapons put people’s lives at risk. Can you email him today and tell him to direct the ATF to regulate ghost guns?

Adam Garber
CeaseFire Pennsylvania Executive Director

¹Leigh, Harry, “State classifies ’80 percent receivers’ as firearms” Fox 43, Dec. 26, 2019.
²Fidlin, Dave, “With Pennsylvania 'ghost gun' rule on hold, governor calls for outright ban”, The Center Square. Feb. 6, 2020.

P.O. Box 60095
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102
[email protected]

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