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Have you heard about Joe Biden’s new immigration policy? 
Within 24 hours of his swearing in, he signed his first Executive Order, which called for stopping border wall construction and calling on Congress to grant citizenship to up to one million people in our country illegally.  
And that’s just the beginning, because his immigration policy goes far beyond just tearing down the improvements President Trump made while in office. 
Joe Biden, Chuck Schumer, and Nancy Pelosi are moving fast on a plan to extend FULL AMNESTY to the 11 million illegal immigrants in our country today! 
It is their ultimate power grab scheme
We knew this radical open-borders agenda was coming if the Democrats’ won complete control in Washington. Now, it’s here. We MUST fight back for the rule of law, and for those who follow it and come to our great country the right way. 
Help us show where Hoosiers stand, John.  
Please, consider contributing right now so that Hoosier Republicans can fight back against this power grab >>> 
There are going to be numerous key battles on this front in the months to come. With every day, the Democratic Party is moving farther and farther left.  

With your support we can lay the foundation to take back the House and Senate in 2022, and replace Joe Biden in 2024.  
- Team Indiana GOP 

Contribute Now >>
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