Sign the petition calling on him to be a #PlasticFreePresident.
Sea turtle on a beach with plastic waste
Center for     Biological     Diversity   


Plastic pollution kills. It poisons our air and water and gets into our bodies. It greatly harms wild animals, often rare or endangered, who mistakenly eat it or get tangled up in plastic waste.

We're facing a plastic pollution crisis, and President Joe Biden must act. 

The solution is clear: We need to reduce plastic production and transform our throwaway economy into a regenerative one. 

Join us in asking President Biden to take meaningful action.

More than 600 organizations support the Presidential Plastics Action Plan, which outlines eight bold actions he can take — on his own, using executive authority.

Sign the #PlasticFreePresident petition demanding bold action on plastics.

Take Action
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Photo of sea turtle on a beach with plastic waste courtesy of Raftography Sustainable Coastlines Hawaii.

Center for Biological Diversity
P.O. Box 710
Tucson, AZ 85702
United States