Why choose the Hazelden Betty Ford Graduate School?
Student success
Hazelden Betty Ford graduates have a 99.5% pass rate taking the licensure/certification examination within six months of graduation.* And 92% of graduates are successfully employed within six months of graduation.**
An educational experience that puts you in demand
Our reputation nationally, and around the world, gives our graduates an edge with employers and broad options for careers in the addiction field. As the nation’s leading nonprofit addiction treatment center, we have educated addiction counselors for more than 50 years.
Expert faculty
You will have an opportunity to collaborate with faculty members who are noted experts in the field of addiction and mental health—100% of our full-time faculty hold a doctoral degree.
Financial aid
In 2020, our students received more than $350,000 in scholarships and grants. You may be eligible to receive financial aid, including scholarships, grants and loans, to help finance your educational goals. Due to the ongoing impact of COVID-19, we have implemented a tuition freeze through Fall Semester 2021.
*From 2004-2019, based on 397/399 survey respondents
**From 2002-2019, based on 451/490 survey respondents