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Ireland's children's minister has told religious congregations they have a "moral and ethical obligation" to support appropriate actions in response to the mother and baby homes report.
Survivors of clerical sexual abuse have expressed their frustration at the refusal of the papal nuncio to the UK to meet them to discuss their concerns.
Boris Johnson has said his government is "prioritising" China's systematic persecution of Uyghur Muslims in the province of Xinjiang despite whipping his own MPs to vote against their conscience on the matter.
China has banned BBC World News from broadcasting in the country, its television and radio regulator announced on Thursday. China has criticised the BBC for its reporting on coronavirus and the persecution of ethnic minority Uyghur Muslims.
An employment tribunal found that The Salvation Army did not offer a position to the claimant either because of pregnancy or because she was about to go on maternity leave.
In the week that dozens of testimonies of forced marriage in Jewish communities were presented to the government, one victim reveals in her own words how she found the courage to break free.
There have been few good things to come of the pandemic, but the opportunity to change the law in relation to abortion care could be one of them, says Ruth Bailey.
A leader of the Polish Women's Strike, the movement that has led mass nationwide protests against a near total abortion ban in Poland, has been charged with criminal felonies.
A youth shot and killed an Ahmadi Muslim homeopathic doctor at his clinic in the northwestern city of Peshawar on Thursday, the police and a spokesman for the minority group said.
Nigerian states with customary and religious laws had significantly worse sexual and reproductive health outcomes compared to states without such laws, academics from Columbia University have found.
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