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Kuwaiti singer converts to Judaism, generating another upset in the Gulf area
It looks as if Kuwait has another surprise to offer regarding its prominent personalities. The incident this time arose with the singer Ibtisam Hamid, who just announced that she had converted to Judaism, causing another shockwave at the social ...

Elite San Francisco School Nixes Merit-Based Admission
What's next? A Mao-ist cultural revolution style purge/persecution/execution of intellectuals?

Related: The West's Decline of Intelligence

Sent from my iPhone Elite San Francisco School Nixes Merit-Based Admission

Students and faculty ...

Beijing ☭ Biden’s ‘Climate Migrants”
President Biden’s recent executive order on refugees includes a direction for a study on the impacts of climate change on migration, as well as options for the “protection and resettlement of individuals” displaced by environmental change. ...

U.K. School Cancels Winston Churchill, J.K. Rowling for ‘Intolerance’
The article below illustrates in sharp and alarming terms the massive confidence trick with all of its concomitant duplicities being committed against us by the ingratiating but totalitarian and fascist Left.

Clearly, a committment to woke ...

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis SLAMS Media Over Tampa Bay Fans Celebrating Over Super Bowl Win
More outstanding work by Governor Ron DeSantis. He handles the MSM beautifully. Never backs down. What a fighter. That's why he can win in 2024. Watch the whole press conference below.

The media- otherwise known as the Ministry of Misery – ...

Iran-Backed Islamic Terror Group BOMB Airport Days After Biden Drops Their Terrorist Label
Democrats love war which is why the support the worst villains on the world stage.

Saudi TV: Yemen rebel attack on airport sets plane on fire

By Isabel Debre, AP, February 11, 2021:

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — Yemen’s Houthi ...

Top US union boss Richard Trumka DISAPPOINTED in Biden’s Keystone XL cancellation in new interview
Disappointed? Richard Trumka should resign. Trumka endorsed President Biden. And in three short weeks Biden has put thousands of union members out of work with his executive orders. All to appease the anti-industry environmentalists in his cabinet. ...

Conservatives slam Biden administration over possible restrictions on Florida travel due to China virus fearmongering
Stopping the free movement from slave states.

The USSR had internal passports

Couldn’t go anywhere without permission

And here we are

Is the Biden admin going to be tougher on the Florida border than our southern border? ...


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