Over the past several weeks, we’ve been pleased to see corporate America take a stand against the attacks on our democracy and against some of the worst abuses of the Trump administration and its allies. From refusing to fund drilling in the Arctic, to canceling contributions to pro-sedition members of government, America’s business community has responded to calls to uphold and preserve our institutions.
That’s why Accountable.US is calling on corporate America to extend its shunning of disgraced Trump administration members to include former Secretary of the Interior David Bernhardt. You can help by sharing our letter on Twitter now.
It’s bad enough that Bernhardt -- a former mega lobbyist who permeated a culture of corruption across the Interior Department -- fully supported the Trump administration’s unprecedented assault on public lands. But he also used his position to indulge President Trump’s worst impulses, including:
- Overseeing an assault on peaceful protesters and refusing to tell the truth. Under Bernhardt’s watch, U.S. Park Police participated in tear gassing and assaulting peaceful demonstrators in D.C. to facilitate a photo-op for President Trump. Bernhardt later went on to lie about the use of tear gas, directly contradicting the statements of his own agents.
- Allowing President Trump to use federal property for political purposes. Bernhardt waived rules preserving federal monuments as non-partisan sites, letting Trump give political speeches and stage political photo-ops at the Lincoln Memorial and Mount Rushmore. Bernhardt himself gave a speech at the blatantly political Mount Rushmore event.
- Failing to protect the U.S. Capitol during an armed insurrection. While the Park Police exhibited inappropriate levels of aggression last summer, the force -- assisting Capitol Police and the National Guard -- failed to prevent rioters from breaching the Capitol after Bernhardt approved permits for tens of thousands of protestors on January 6, in spite of clear evidence that a violent attack was possible.
- Known pattern of deceit and shown a penchant for dishonesty. If Bernhardt’s acts regarding Trump’s Big Lie weren’t appalling enough, the corrupt former secretary deliberately withheld “sensitive” and potentially damaging records about him prior to his confirmation process. Bernhardt testified under oath that he was not aware of any cases in which the Interior “purposely withheld or improperly delayed the sharing of scientific information with the public where disclosure was appropriate,” despite having personally blocked the release of a scientific report on the effects of pesticides on wildlife.
Bernhardt’s ongoing cover-ups and lies put our democracy in grave danger. His actions are diametrically opposed to our democratic values and the values espoused by companies that he may seek refuge within. We must hold corporate America accountable, and ensure these principles do not spread beyond this disgraceful administration.
Any company that hires former Trump administration officials like David Bernhardt is complicit in normalizing the Trump administration's harmful policies and embracing its dangerous rhetoric. The business community must know that such actions are unacceptable, and that the American people will be watching. Share our letter on Twitter now.
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