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John - 
I'll get straight to the point. It's time to send Virginia's children back to school. Even the CDC has reported that it’s actually safer for kids to be in schools than it is to be out in the community.
Democrats in Richmond are playing games with our children's future. Every day that goes by without in-person learning is a day that we are failing our kids.
That's why I'm emailing you today. Virginia has an opportunity this year to elect a governor who will actually put our children first. Can we count on your support to help provide Virginians with quality education?
Joe Biden is siding with the teacher’s unions. It makes me wonder where Virginia Democrats are going to come down - with students or the unions?
The learning loss and psychological impact on children of virtual schools has been devastating. It's time to get the schools open, and it's time to elect real leaders.
Best regards,
Chairman Anderson's Signature
Richard L. Anderson
Republican Party of Virginia
P.S. - There's an epidemic of "F"s out there as kids who don't have the support system they need are failing. We have to get them the support they need. Our future leaders depend on it.
Paid for by Republican Party of Virginia, Inc.

115 E Grace St RICHMOND, VA 23219

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RPV Chairman Rich Anderson
115 E. Grace Street
Richmond, VA 23219
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