Max & Murphy on the Issues:
What’s the Economy, Stupid? A Video Breakdown of a Top 2021 Issue
The economy is always an issue in local races, but in 2021 it is especially critical after the devastation wrought by COVID-19--and amid deep questions about whether the city's economy will ever look as it did pre-pandemic. But is "the economy" just about jobs and taxes? What are the policy tools city officials can use to affect it? And what should candidates be saying about their own economic plans?
Los datos demográficos publicados por la alcaldía el 31 de enero reforzaron la preocupación de que el esfuerzo de distribución de la vacuna no ha hecho lo suficiente para llegar a las comunidades de color de la ciudad, en particular a los neoyorquinos afroamericanos y latinos.
Un juez federal bloqueó temporalmente la moratoria de deportaciones de 100 días propuesta por el presidente Biden y días después varios cientos de personas fueron deportadas.
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Join us this Valentine's Day at 1 p.m. for the Special Election Candidate Forum: NYC City Council Bronx District 11 hosted by our very own Jarrett Murphy in partnership with NYCD-16 Indivisible.
Opinion: Homeless People are Worthy of Housing — It’s Time to Stop the Stigma
‘Stigmatizing and criminalizing homeless people is just another tool the real estate industry uses to maintain status quo and maximize their bottom lines. The stigmatization must stop — we need to end this prejudice and get honest about who is homeless and why.’
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