Hi John,
In the final days of the Trump presidency, the administration executed 13 people -- more than have been put to death over the past 60 years.
Death does not equal justice.
Joe Biden has pledged to pause all federal executions, but progressives like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ayannna Pressley are demanding the Biden administration do more to stop this cruel punishment.
Here is what Ayanna Pressley said in a statement calling for the abolition of the death penalty: “Ending the federal death penalty -- which is as cruel as it is ineffective in deterring crime -- is a racial justice issue and must come to an end. We must finally abolish this inhumane form of punishment."
We agree and stand with Rep. Pressley in her efforts to denounce state-sanctioned murder, but as we think about legislative solutions to this issue, it's important we know where supporters like you stand. Please, tell us now:
Should the United States abolish the death penalty?
Thank you so much for taking our live poll today.
A Woman's Place