Rest in peace, Chris Dillard, friend and patriot.

I am shocked and devastated by the passing of our good and faithful friend and patriot, Chris Dillard. Chris was arguably the most popular activist in the Metroplex and well-beyond. He never said no when I needed him. Even once when we partnered with a group he couldn't stand, he still volunteered his services, "For you and True Texas Project, Julie." He would work patiently with me while I made umpteen changes until his graphic designs were exactly what I'd envisioned. He always got it right, and he never charged me a dime. It was all for the cause. There was zero indication anything was wrong. Always eager, excited about the Guard, crazy for his dog Burrito, super proud grandpa, close to his family... I know people will make assumptions and think they know what went wrong. I urge you to resist doing that and just celebrate a life well-lived. I've promised his mom, Donna, who is the longest-standing participant and former Board Secretary of TTP, that we will all be praying for her strength during this time. When I asked if we could bring meals, she said she is just in shock and doesn't need anything. I thought it might be nice if instead of people showing up at her house with food, we collect gift cards to restaurants and Door Dash and include a thoughtful note. She could share both the gifts and the messages with Chris's brother and other family that comes to town. If you would like to contribute, you may bring them by my house at 1972 Casa Loma Ct, Grapevine 76051.

RIP, Chris. You are already greatly missed. It's a dark, cold day today in more ways than one.

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