From Union City <[email protected]>
Subject DC LaborFest PLUS: The Big Meeting...and more
Date February 11, 2021 1:00 PM
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The Big Meeting

2021 Great Labor Arts Exchange

LABOR MOVIES STREAMING NOW: The Killing Floor; Three by Madeline Anderson; Solomon Northup's Odyssey

"Thank you so much for this wonderful, informative, and inspiring evening!" said one attendee as Tuesday night's DC Labor FilmFest screening of 9to5: The Story of a Movement wrapped up after the Q&A with 9to5 co-founder Debbie Schneider and Angel Darcourt, Associate National Field Director for Working America, moderated by Elise Bryant, president of the Coalition of Labor Union Women.
The screening was the latest in the FilmFest's 2021 Bread and Roses monthly screening series; the next one will be March 9, and we're working on plans for this year's DC Labor FilmFest, which will be online again this year. We're also meeting with labor film festival organizers from around the world in an effort to coordinate screenings (see below for one coming up tomorrow in the UK). Though there will obviously be timing issues, we'll keep you posted on what's available. We're also keeping an eye on laborific movies available on the various streaming services for you to watch on your own schedule, as well as other upcoming labor culture events.
And if there's an upcoming labor film -- or labor culture event -- we should know about, hit us up at mailto:[email protected] [email protected]

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Thursday, February 11
The Big Meeting
7pm (local UK time; midnight U.S. EST)

[link removed] Facebook Event here
[link removed] Zoom Meeting
Documentary about the annual Durham Miners Gala, followed by a live Q&A with the film makers and one of the organisers of the Gala.
Hosted by the Cambridge & District Trades Council during [link removed] &#9829; Unions Week

"Every second Saturday in July the city of Durham is taken over by miners, trade-unions and the public for an event known locally as 'The Big Meeting'. The Durham Miners' Gala is an annual celebration of noise, colour and solidarity, of class culture, creativity and endeavour. Attracting 200,000 people, banners and brass bands parade through the streets to honour their heritage. The Big Meeting reflects the past, present and future of the Gala and labour movement, whilst following four protagonists over the course of this impressive working- class occasion. This will be especially poignant viewing whilst we are in lockdown but hopefully be a positive experience to see and feel something we can look forward to returning to."
- Chris Jury & Reuben Irving, Festival Directors, Tolpuddle Radical Film Festival

June 17-20, 2021
2021 Great Labor Arts Exchange: Singing Through the Hard Times
Join in a celebration of the life and work of Anne Feeney. Details to follow.

[link removed] The Killing Floor
Directed by Bill Duke * 1984 * United States
Starring Damien Leake, Alfre Woodard, Moses Gunn
Originally broadcast on PBS's "American Playhouse" in 1984, the stirring first feature from actor and filmmaker Bill Duke explores the little-known story of an African American migrant's struggle to build an interracial union in the Chicago Stockyards. Based on actual characters and events, the screenplay by Leslie Lee, from a story by producer Elsa Rassbach, follows the journey of Frank Custer (Damien Leake), a young Black sharecropper from Mississippi who, in the aftermath of World War I, travels to Chicago for a job on the "killing floor" of a meatpacking plant and the promise of greater racial equality in the industrial North. There, he must navigate the seething ethnic and class conflicts--stoked by management and culminating in the Chicago race riot of 1919--as he attempts to unite his fellow workers in a fight for fair treatment.

[link removed] Three by Madeline Anderson
Recognized as the first Black woman to direct a televised documentary film, Madeline Anderson brings viewers to the front lines of the civil rights movement in these essential records of struggle and determination. Capturing a pivotal labor strike led by Black female hospital employees (I AM SOMEBODY), early desegregation efforts by Martin Luther King Jr. (INTEGRATION REPORT 1), and a rare interview with Malcolm X's widow, Dr. Betty Shabazz (A TRIBUTE TO MALCOLM X), Anderson's documentaries are a testament to the courage of the workers and activists at the heart of her films as well as to her own bravery, tenacity, and skill.

[link removed] Solomon Northup's Odyssey
Directed by Gordon Parks * 1984 * United States
Starring Avery Brooks, Rhetta Greene, Petronia Paley
Gordon Parks directs the original film adaptation of abolitionist Solomon Northup's 1853 autobiography "Twelve Years a Slave," later the basis for the Academy Award-winning drama by Steve McQueen. Avery Brooks stars as Northup, a free Black man born in New York who was kidnapped, sold into slavery, and held in bondage in Louisiana for more than a decade. Originally aired on PBS, SOLOMON NORTHUP'S ODYSSEY brings his powerful tale of perseverance and resistance to the screen with searing conviction.

Material published in UNION CITY may be freely reproduced by any recipient; please credit Union City as the source for all news items and as the source for Today's Labor History.

Published by the Metropolitan Washington Council, an AFL-CIO "Union City" Central Labor Council whose 200 affiliated union locals represent 150,000 area union members. DYANA FORESTER, PRESIDENT.

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