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Challenging Religious Privilege


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Your daily media briefing - Thursday 11 February


In the Media is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news and opinion and listen to our podcasts on our website.

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Secularism in the media


Reasonableness test for abusive and insulting language added to Scottish Hate Crime Bill

The Scottish Government's controversial Hate Crime Bill has been changed to ensure that charges of stirring up hatred offences, as a result of abusive or insulting language, will have to pass a "reasonable person" test.

The Scotsman*


Uighur campaigners 'disgusted' after government 'blocks' vote on genocide bill

Rebel Tories are threatening to back a House of Lords amendment potentially forcing ministers to withdraw from any free trade agreement with a country the High Court rules is guilty of genocide.



IS terror plotter rapped about bombing, Old Bailey told

A man who planned an Islamic State-inspired terror attack made a rap recording in which he stated "I'll be sending bombs and you'll be getting smoked", a court has heard.



‘Ending school apartheid the only hope of real inclusion’

For Northern Ireland to be tied to a church-driven school system seems crazy, says Cahair O'Kane.

The Irish News


‘Banning safe home-use abortion pills will leave more women in crisis’

It is vital that women are continued to be allowed access to drugs for use at home for early medical abortions, says Emma Milne.

The Conversation


‘The IHRA definition of antisemitism should not be used to ban free speech’

Lord Mann, the government's independent adviser on antisemitism, says IHRA must not be abused in seeking to ban people with whom we disagree.

The JC


Saudi women's rights activist released from prison

Loujain al-Hathloul was instrumental in the movement to allow women to drive in the kingdom. She was detained in 2018, just weeks before the ban was lifted.



Four arrested as Israeli police, ultra-Orthodox Jews clash

Four people were arrested in Jerusalem after clashes between Israeli security forces and ultra-orthodox Jews opposed to coronavirus restrictions, the police said Wednesday.

Mail Online


Russian Jehovah's Witness sentenced to 7 1/2 years in prison

The Jehovah's Witnesses say a member of the religious denomination that is banned in Russia has been sentenced to 7 1/2 years in prison, the harshest punishment in scores of cases.

The Associated Press/Mail Online


Latest from the NSS and the No More Faith Schools campaign


Apology issued after church accuses residents opposed to faith school

A Catholic diocese has apologised over a message in a church's newsletter about local opposition to a new faith school in Peterborough.


Four new C of E faith schools moving forward with little scrutiny

Four new state-funded Church of England faith schools have moved closer to opening, despite a lack of public scrutiny around the plans.


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