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Thursday, February 11th, 2021

Because There Is a Safer, More Economical & Efficacious Remedy Than Vaccines

How Do We Know for Sure Public Health Authorities Are Lying About Vaccines Protecting You From a Life-Threatening Covid-19 Infection? Bill Sardi

Mass Manipulation – How It Works

Peter Koenig

The Coming Abortion Wars

Andrew P. Napolitano

‘Never-Before-Seen Strange Covid Symptoms’? Try Using Logic

Jon Rappoport

Why This Reader Wears a Face Mask. I Hope You Are Not Telling Yourself the Same Story

Allan Stevo

Jordan Peterson Places His Faith in Man

Bionic Mosquito

14 German Care Home Residents Test Positive for UK Covid-19 Strain After Getting 2nd Pfizer Jab


Did Lockdowns Work? Doesn’t Look That Way

Jimmy Walter

LA Times Writer Struggles Against the Kindness of Trump Voters and Their Snow Plow

Monica Showalter

You Never Know

David Perez

Road to Climate Neutrality

Judith Curry

Covid-19 mRNA Shots Are Legally Not Vaccines

Dr. Joseph Mercola

LRC Blog

Political Theatre
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