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TREACHERY: MI Senate Leader Says Insurrection Was “Hoax” Pushed by McConnell and Others Who Wanted a “Mess”
These craven quislings should be publicly flogged.

Six Republicans with voted with Democrats to say the impeachment trial of former President Trump is within their constitutional power to decide:

Sen. Cassidy

Sen. Collins

Sen. ...

‘Beating Democrat Electoral Corruption’
Don't back down, push back.

Beating Democrat Electoral Corruption By J.R. Dunn, American Thinker, February 10, 2021:

Nov. 3rd, one particular line has been repeated almost to the point of becoming a meme: “There will never be another ...

Mark Cuban, Dallas Mavericks Will No Longer Play National Anthem At Home Games
This scumbag becomes a billionaire here in a way he couldn’t anywhere else, and he repays the country that welcomed him by submitting to the totalitarian terrorist mob.

Mark Cuban, Dallas Mavericks Will No Longer Play National Anthem At Home ...

Nauseatingly politicized Super Bowl generate worst TV ratings since 1969
Insulting half the country is bad for TV ratings. The “geniuses” who run America's sports leagues still don't understand that. In fact, they are moving further to the Left. It's shocking. Politics should not be inserted into sports programming. ...

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