Good Evening Young Dems!
The EBYD Executive Board has endorsed support for SB1.If any one you have any objections to this action please email myself or our President to hold a formal endorsement vote at our General Membership meeting.
Senate Bill 1, passed by the Legislature and on Gov. Newsom's desk, would enshrine federal clean air, water, and wildlife protection law as of January 19, 2017 into state law to prevent federal cutbacks.
All three of our East Bay legislators voted for it. Gov. Newsom is iffy, apparently because it threatens some of his connections with farmers and water districts in the Central Valley.
Upcoming Events
Want to room with EBYD at the California Young Democrats Lake Tahoe Retreat in October, or the California Democratic Party convention in November in Long Beach? Let us know by Wednesday, Oct 2
EBYD is organizing lodging for both the California Young Democrats Lake Tahoe Retreat (Friday 10/18-Sunday 10/20) as well as the California Democratic Party convention in Long Beach (Friday 11/15 - Sunday 11/17). Please email Alfred at
[email protected] if you are interested in a spot.
Cost to attend events:
CYD Tahoe Retreat:
- $60 Registration Fee
- Estimated $100 for lodging, both nights
- Transportation on your own (we will arrange rides if possible)
CA Young Dems / CA Dem Party Long Beach Convention
- Young Dem registration fee to be announced, probably around $40-50. Or you can volunteer and get a pass. Passes are required for general session, but not needed to attend caucuses.
- Lodging $138 for both nights (4 people to a room, we have a few spots left)
- Transportation on your own (we will arrange rides if possible)

This year our, by popular demand, the CYD Lake Tahoe Retreat and State Leadership Committee Meeting will be held from Oct 18th - Oct 20th at the Lakeland Village Resort at Heavenly (THE CABINS!)!
We invite all members of the California Young Democrats to join us!
Early Registration is just $60 per person (the same as last Retreat) until Thursday, October 10, 2019. After that point, Late Registration will be $90 per person. Register by clicking here before prices go up!
Among the items CYD will be considering:
- Endorsements in the:
U.S. Presidential Race by ranked choice voting
U.S. Congressional Races
State Senate Races
State Assembly Races
Specified Local Races where there is a viable Young Democrat candidate
- Bylaw Amendments
- The 2019 - 2020 Budget
All events will be hosted on-site at Lakeland Village at Heavenly with the exception of our dinner and general session which will be held at the Montbleu Casino and Resort.
This year, the CDP's Endorsing Convention will be held November 15-17, 2019, in Southern California at the Long Beach Convention Center. Remember: At this Convention we will be finalizing our state legislative and congressional endorsements, adopting our new platform, and hearing from our presidential candidates both at a forum on Saturday afternoon and throughout the weekend.
Endorsements: One of the most important activities taking place is finalizing our endorsements for legislative and congressional districts. To get more information about our October 5-6 pre-endorsement conferences, click here.
Platform: Make your voice heard! For more information on our platform process click here.
Caucus Meetings: Don't wait until Convention. Join a caucus today by clicking here.
Volunteers Needed: We will need more than 500 volunteers to help make this Convention a smashing success, and we need your help! Can you share your time and help us lay the groundwork for a victorious 2020? Click here to sign up today!
In Solidarity,
Victor E. Flores, EBYD Director of Communications
“Among individuals, as among nations, respect for the rights of others is peace”
-- President Benito Juarez